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Re: TP755CD keyboard replacement

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 13:42:36 -0500, Don Markuson wrote:

>-> The left mouse button on the keyboard to my 755CD is dying.
>->   :
>-> Can someone point me to where I can buy one if I need to do it myself?
>I've successfully cleaned/restored mouse button operation on a 755's keyboard,
>but it takes significant care and patience to disassemble/reassemble the
>keyboard to do so.  I haven't replaced a keyboard, but would expect it's
>somewhat easier.
>IBM can usually tell you whether your system is still under warranty or not,
>if you can read them the model# and serial# of the unit.  And you can always
>ask them to quote a price to do this work out of warranty.
To do the work out of warranty would be about $170 for the labor, and about
$115 for the keyboard.

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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