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Re: [TP755] Debian Linux 1.3.1, what's supported ,what s not?

On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 16:37:47 -0800, Michael Fukatsu wrote:

>Is it the P75 or the 486DX4?
>The sound card is an mwave soundcard, and a special little trick needs to
>be done to get sound support (only 8 bit).  Forget using the internal modem
>(It's run of the mwave DSP also) just go and buy a PCMCIA modem.
Now you can get 14.4 PCMCIA cards really cheap.  You might be better off getting an
external modem, however (because of the price difference).

>The screen size is 640x480, you can get 1152x864 (or something close to
>this) on an external monitor, or a virtual screen on the LCD.  BTW you must
>use the XF86_SVGA server and it only supports the 755's videocard in 8bpp
>I'm not sure if the price is good or not, I don't know what one of these
>things are worth nowadays.  If the docking station is a Dock I, I go mine
>for like $50 from onsale a while back.  
Oh yeah, is the LCD Active Matrix, or DSTN?  If it's a TFT, then that's a good deal.

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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