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Video recording stopped working

I have a ThinkPad 765D. It has some hardware to take TV video input, and I
have configured OS/2's VideoIN program to work with it. Before I was
forced to reinstall OS/2 (stupid mistake on my part), I could take still
captures and record real time video.

Now, I can only get stills. When I attempt to record video, I get an error
that seems to say my recording setup has an invalid combination of
settings. I've played with the settings quite a bit, and I can't find any
that work.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Does anyone have a working combination
of settings?

Thanks for the help!

Windows95 -- An entomologist's dream

Jeff Jackowski      http://xzalpha.ml.org/~jeffj
  OS/2 WPS (Desktop) Tips, remote i-net dialup
UAH-SEDS            http://uah.seds.org
Future author of:
     "How to be Ruler of the Universe in 21 Days"