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Oldie Newbie (Looking for 755CD's CD)

I'm a "newbie" in the Thinkpad world.  I recently bought a refurbished
701CS (indirectly) from IBM Credit.  My girlfriend saw it and said
that her daughter (who is in college) would love something like that,
so I just recently bought a refurbished 755CD from IBM Credit.

The 755CD did not include the CDROM drive.  Does anyone here know a
good (i.e. inexpensive) source for the drive?

As an aside, I was really impressed by the 701.  It's small size and
light weight are impressive.  The display is smaller and is not active
matrix, but it isn't bad.  I hooked up a Zip drive to it's parallel
port to use to install Win95 and everything went smoothly.

The connector on the power supply for the 755CD was broken when I got
it.  But IBM has a 90-day warranty on their refurbished computers so
they mailed me a new (not used!) replacement.  I just got the power
supply yesterday, so I really haven't had a chance to play with the

-- Roger

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