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Re: Thinkpad 700

On Sun, 12 Apr 1998 13:37:54 +0200 (MEST), Christoph Eyrich wrote:

>On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Patrick West wrote:
>> I thought the old MCA laptops just used a 2.5 scsi drive?
>No, definitely not (there were just a few laptops using scsi hard drives,
>e.g. the Tadpole). 

Actually, IBM's Power ThinkPads used 2.5" SCSI HDs too.  It's a shame there aren't
more SCSI notebooks, because the speed difference is amazing when
running a lot of stuff.

The 700, as the 720, the other IBM MCA machine, uses
>ESDI - too expensive to buy a new HD unless you get a used one. The
>controller is integrated into the disk drive.
That sounds about right.  Additionally, IBM had some ESDI drives, at least on
the PS/2's, which connected straight to the bus, so there was no controller
card, and things really became proprietary.  In fact, the connector to a standard
ESDI HD is the same as on an MFM drive.
Paul Khoury |  <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my P75 Server
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 3/4, Slackware Linux, and Sun Solaris 2.4