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Fw: New IBM Technical Discussion Forums -- Now Available!

They finally got them to work !!!
They are now available to "regular" people.
Just like Compaq they are NOT a Newsgroup  but a cumbersome
WEB /HTML and bullshit scripts plus kitchensink  based mess.
Why do not these people NOT understand what a "Newsgroup" is ?????
Even Microsoft does it right ;-]  .........sigh.
Still there is some useful info there.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM PC Company Technical Support <techinfo@infomail.pc.ibm.com>
To: IBM PCCo Support Customer <pc063298@raleigh.ibm.com>
Date: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 9:53 AM
Subject: New IBM Technical Discussion Forums -- Now Available!

>Thank you for using IBM's electronic support!
>We know that you will be able to find most, if not all, of the
>solutions to your technical support needs on our support web site.  If
>you are ever unable to find what you're looking for, we also offer
>product discussion forums for our PC products.  We invite you to check
>these out!
>These discussion forums provide you with a place to get answers about
>your Aptiva, PC, ThinkPad, Server or IntelliStation.  Your questions
>may be answered by another customer who has already found a solution,
>or by one of the IBM HelpCenter online technicians.
>Once you get to our discussion forums area, select your specific
>product.  Each product discussion forum is broken out by topic area to
>better assist you.  For example, the Aptiva support discussion forum
>contains such topics as Windows95, Multimedia Software, and Ring
>Central (just to name a few).
>To access the IBM discussion forums, go to
>http://www3.pc.ibm.com/support and select the FORUMS option.
>Thank you again for choosing IBM electronic support!
>(C) IBM Corporation