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Re: Introduction and questions (TP 360PE)

Patrick West wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, James P. Grenert wrote:
> > A request and some questions:
> > * I originally had PCDOS 7.0 preinstalled, but my disk factory image for
> > disk 5 was trashed.  Could someone please email me a zipped copy?
> I have the CD-ROM but it has only files for disk 5 not a disk image.
> Do you know what files you need?
> > * I can't get PCMCIA storage devices (a Maxtor 105 MB HD and a
> > Sandisk 20 MB ATA flash card) to work in either Windows or OS/2.  The Easy
> > Playing software correctly identifies both cards, but they always come up
> > as Not Ready.  Any suggestions?
> In OS/2 that means the hardware see them but the software drivers are not
> installed.  Run install and select plug and play for pcmcia.

Make sure that you select your machine class.  In my case, 760E/ED.

> DOS 6.3 needs card services which it didn't include.   However PC DOS 7
> includes the Phoenix pcmcia card services.

You might get lucky and find those card services somewhere on the 'Net.
