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TP 600

	Okay, who's getting a ThinkPad 600?  I'd like to hear a "man on the
street" review as soon as someone gets one--and that could be as early as
today, given that they went on sale today.

	In particular, does anyone know if the "Ultraslim bay" can take anything
besides a floppy or CD?  IBM's web site says they'll have a DVD available
in June, but I'm thinking more in terms of a spare battery, 2nd hard drive,
or a Zip drive.

	I'm also interested in "real world" figures on battery life--and whether
there's a difference between the battery life on the 233 MMX Pentium vs.
either of the Pentium II models.

...and one last thing--I'd like to know if either of the Pentium II models
run hot enough that it would actually be uncomfortable (Read:  Burns) on my
lap if I sit on the couch and use it as I am often wont to do.  If that is
the case, I should perhaps consider not getting a P-II.

	Many thanks in advance!

Randal J. Whittle          whittle@usc.edu         (213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California