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Re: New support forums gone?

Rumor has it that IBM will be setting up support forums, but that any posts
will need to be checked by IBM before they are allowed to appear..

jeffj@ro.com wrote:

> I just went looking for these new support forums everyone's been
> complaining about and can't find them. The email I got from IBM about it
> said:
> --------------------------------------------------
> To access the IBM discussion forums, go to
> http://www3.pc.ibm.com/support and select the FORUMS option.
> --------------------------------------------------
> I checked that URL and there is no forums option, link, or anything else.
> There is a ThinkPad link, but that leads to their regular support pages
> that have been around for some time.
> Am I missing something?
> --------------------------------------------------
> Windows95 -- An entomologist's dream
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>   OS/2 WPS (Desktop) Tips, remote i-net dialup
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> Future author of:
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Bill Morrow