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Re: TP 600

Regarding the NM2160 video chipset.

If you want to run X in Linux, you can always buy Xi Graphic's excellent
Accelerated X (LX laptop version) for around $200.  No, it isn't free
like XFree86, but if you're going to plunk down $3-5k on a high-end
laptop, another $200 probably won't kill you.  It also generally yields
significantly higher-performance and better color depth support compared
with XFree86.

I guess people have a thing about spending a single cent on anything
having to do with Linux.  I don't really understand that.  It is too bad
that NeoMagic doesn't release information so that XFree86 will support
it, but it shouldn't keep you from running Linux on one of these

I'm just a very happy Accelerated X customer.

--Lee Hetherington
  TP770...soon to be replaced by TP600 :-)