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Re: Benchmarking ThinkPads running OS/2

"Paul Khoury" <pkhoury@loop.com> said the following on the auspicious date
of 98-05-01:

>Could those running OS/2 on their ThinkPads help me out by running
>benchmarks?  I'd just like to put on a comparison of systems on my
>website with benchmarks from various ThinkPads running OS/2 using Trevor
>Hemsley's Sysbench benchmark program (available from Hobbes).

I just tried it. Sysbench did a nice job of killing my system when it
finaly got to simultaneous I/O, so you won't be getting my bechmarks.

It seems my ThinkPad is slowly dying. Now, the lan0 interface (H&A
ethernet) is set in software to its down state whenever if feels like it.
I have to run "ifconfig lan0 up" with the card removed to make it work
again. The system normally boots with the interface down now. I don't know
why it started this -- I didn't change the system configuration. I'm glad
my desktop runs reliably.

Windows95 -- An entomologist's dream

Jeff Jackowski      http://xzalpha.ml.org/~jeffj/
  OS/2 WPS (Desktop) Tips, remote i-net dialup
UAH-SEDS            http://uah.seds.org/
Future author of:
     "How to be Ruler of the Universe in 21 Days"