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Re: hibernation in 560c

On Mon, 4 May 1998 11:22:41 EDT, you wrote:
><< under Win95/OSR 2/FAT32, hibernation file cannot be created, >>
>I have a 560e (150MMX w/FAT32) and this AUTOEXEC.BAT line  
>"C:\THINKPAD\PS2 HFILE C".  Hibernation works fine.  Go figure?
>If I delete the disable hibernation in ThinkPad Features, the file is
>deleted, but automatically reestablished the next time I boot.  If I delete
>the above line in AUTOEXEC.BAT, then the file is not made a bootup.

	Actually, I was surprised to see that people are using the create
option in their autoexec.bat files, because mine is completely empty
and I've had no problem with suspend on FAT32 or FAT16. Everything is
handled nicely enough using Thinkpad Configurator on my 560.
	Btw, someone mentioned Partition Magic changing a partition back
from FAT32. Is there really no other way? I plan to dual boot Windows
95/NT soon, and I'll have to change my drive back in order for both to
work properly. But before I'd buy PM, I'd simply do a format, install
NT, install my software, then install Windows 95.
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