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Re: Batteries (was: Re: TP 600)

I wrote:

>>You can get SLA portable power packs for camcorders which have an automotive cigar lighter socket 

Paul wrote:

>And make sure you can get it to the same voltage and ampherage as the ThinkPad AC adapter does.

No, no, my idea was a setup like the following:

TP<-->Car adapter (from IBM or Xtend or Lind or whoever)<-->battery pack.

The adapter already does the conversion between the TP DC input and the car battery 12vdc output.  If I already had one of these converters, I might  spend the money for the battery pack just to see how well it works; however, I really don't want to spend $50-$100 for the adapter (which I will never use otherwise) on top of the battery cost.  (BTW, if anyone wants more info, I get catalogues from several photo companies who sell such packs, I can quote some representative prices and specs.)

- David