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Re: [TP600] Weight again (was: [Fwd: Re: Compare Thinkpad 600 / 770])

At 02:54 PM 5/6/98 , David Ross wrote:
>> I think that's with the CD Drive in.
>> Stripped to its skivvies, the way a 560 *always* is, it's 4.9 lbs.  .8
>>lbs. more than a 560.  And an inch deeper as well as .2" thicker.
>That CD sounds heavy! 

	About 1/2 lb.  Par for the course.  Same on the Versa 5000.

>You didn't mention sturdiness - the 560 *is* a bit flimsy (I'm pretty sure
that case flex is >what caused my system board failure).  I subject my
Micron Transport - which is a tank - >to indignities that I wouldn't think
of inflicting on the 560.  I expect the 770 is similar.

	I'm not accustomed to beating up on my equipment.   :-)

Randal J. Whittle          whittle@usc.edu         (213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California