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Re: [TP701c] New/Refurbished purchase, what should I be aware of?

>    I'm aware that the built in modem is rather slow, and
>sometimes unreliable (stops working).

And it's still that way after being on my second modem (internal).

  Are there any other
>problem areas I should pay attention to?  The screen is an
>obvious area I'll pay close attention to, but what about the
>rest of the unit?  Anyone ever have any problems w/ the
>Butterfly keyboard?  I assume it should move smoothly? 

Maybe at first, but I don't like it.  Mine has trouble moving on it's own, and the TrackPoint is non-functional.

>unit hasn't arrived yet, but IBM gives seven day money back
>guarantee, so I'd like to go over it w/ a fine tooth comb
>when it arrives.
>    I plan to install Win95, possibly NT4 -- any
Yeah, you'll need a PCMCIA CD-ROM with NT 4.0 drivers to install it, and you should have 24-40MB of RAM.

Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
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