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Re: 701cs Display getting old and dingy.
On Wed, 13 May 1998 19:02:28 -0600, Greg Alvandian wrote:
>While we're on the topic of 701s... I have a 701cs and I'd swear that
>as it get's older the display seems to get dimmer. I don't recall
>having much to complain about my DSTN display when I first got the
>computer (except outdoors), but now it seems very dim to me even
>indoors. It almost seems to have a dim brownish tint to it. I have
>been very careful when cleaning it. I never use windex since that has
>amonia and would supposedly yellow an LCD display over time.
Hmmm, I just cleaned the whole exterior of the machine with Windex this evening,
and I never have problems. Yet, I rarely clean my LCD's with Windex, usually just a dry cloth.
>understand that the old 755s that had the removable display that could
>be used on overhead projectors used to turn brownish from the heat. Has
>anyone else noticed this phenomenon on their 701cs. I wish now that I
>had gotten the 701c.
Hey, doesn't everyone? Active matrix is really nice, and I wish now I could just pluck
the TFT LCD off my SPARCbook and put it on the ThinkPad (except that it's 800*600).
>Anyone else experiencing either of these problems? Maybe I'm just
>getting to accustomed to looking at my nice 21 inch monitor.
Well, you're lucky. My biggest monitor is the LCD I'm looking at. <g>
Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
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