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Re: snippets from Infoworld (or more rumor mongering)

On Tue, 19 May 1998 12:12:01 -0700, Mitchell Yee wrote:

>     Infoworld (May 18, 1998, page 8) reports that IBM was
>     considering resurecting a variation of the "butterfly"
>     fold-out keyboard (701ers!!).
Who knows, it could be true, but it could be vaporware.  I don't know if they will release the same idea,
considering the problems both myself and others have had.

>     Darn.  Just when my back was just starting to get
>     used to the permenent dent in it from hauling my
>     760XL around town.
Use a backpack with lots of padding.  If you think you're worse off, try carrying 2 computers!

Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
http://warped.cswnet.com/~pkhoury/index.html (you can link to the TP Assistant from here)
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 3/4 and Sun Solaris 2.4