They've completely failed to build a user and developer base on their own, so they instead go to the government for help.
Well, they seem to have at least a good enough idea of what they're doing to have gained MS as a customer; as evidenced by the contract which was signed by MS to distribute a spec-compatible JVM with Windows.

If you're claiming that the violation of that contract isn't grounds for Sun to sue Microsoft, you really should quit trolling. Breach of contract is clearly illegal under any circumstance where the contract itself is legal, which it obviously was in this case.

It becomes part of the antitrust suit because this particular breach of contract was performed as part of a strategy to horizontally expand a monopoly -- poison Java just enough to make it a pain in the ass to use on the monopoly platform while maintaining at least a semblance of compatibility for the sake of public opinion, while rolling out a red carpet for their own competing product, C#. The advantages that MS claims in C# over Java are largely "advantages" that only exist because their Java support was intentionally crippled to begin with.

Oh, and using the monopoly platform as leverage for _that_ rollout (through automatically installing it on systems by Windows Update and bundling with all new products).

Just what *isn't* wrong with this scenario?
