Place all of the files in into your exec folder. for sys_ctrl_p.js and sys_ctrl-u.js, you will need to add a hotkey event for them, to replace the internal function in SCFG->External Programs=>Online Hot Key Events inc_dates.js when included adds a formatDate() function to JavaScript Date() objects. inc_menu.js include file to make creating a Js shell easier. sys_ctrl_p.js shell mod for ctrl-P, will display a shell's ctrl-P or the default, if none exists. sys_ctrl_u.js shell mod for ctrl-U, will display a shell's ctrl-u or the default if none exists. login.js [optional] replacement for login.src/bin, REQUIRES create_new_user.js if you want synchronet's default newuser, comment out the line specified, towards the beginning. create_new_user.js replacement for sync's internal bbs.newuser() method, only asks the general questions for telnet, no address, or phone #... will send the user's password to them in email.