nch THE UNISEX, OMNISEXUAL y P U R I T Y T E S T nc_______________________________________________________________________________ rhiWARNINGnrh: THIS TEST MAY EASILY OFFEND YOU chInstructions for Use: nc This is a fairly long test consisting of hone hundred questionsnc. It starts out tame and gets progressively worse (or better, depending on your viewpoint). hDefinitions nc Any references to hMOSnc are references to a hMncember of the hOncpposite hSncex. All questions in this test pertain to events that have happened to you subsequent to your weaning and babyhood/infancy. Anything that may have happened before that time is considered not standing and void. The term mutual masturbation refers to someone masturbating you AND/OR you masturbating someone else, not exclusively both at the same time. We would also like to define having sex in the homosexual case; homosexual sex has occurred when both partners are of the same sex and one of the partners has an orgasm while there is some contact between the genitals of both partners. We would now like to bring to your attention that there is no passing nor failing score. Therefore, one really shouldn't worry too much about getting a high score... even if you do get giggled at for the rest of your life.