yhOverall Match (General Explanation):nc The overal match is a highly refined algorithm used to compute a percentage of preference match between a user and a prospective mate. The user's preferences are weighed more heavily than those of the prospective mate. More specific preferences will result in a higher match percentage potential and a wider range of match percentages. More vague preferences will result in a rather narrow range of match percentages, so it is best to keep your "hideal matenc" in mind when completing the preferred mate sections of your profile and questionnaires. yhGlobal Database:nc If your sysop has taken the steps to link this profile database with the international hSyncDatanc network, your profile will be automatically included in this global database for users on other BBSs around the world to view. The profiles you see in this database may very well be users in other counties, states, or countries and you can view their information here and communicate with them via hTelegramnc using this program. yhCredits:nc hPurity Test ncOriginal version from MIT's Baker House. hMyers-Briggs Type Indicator ncAdapted from the book "Please Understand Me" by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates