These files will allow you to add WWIV to your command shells. Create a WWIV subdirectory in your \SBBS\TEXT\MENU directory and put all of the .ASC files in it. Put the WWIV.SRC file in your \SBBS\EXEC dir and compile it with the command BAJA WWIV. Go into SCFG, select Command Shells, hit the key, type in WWIV, and save the changes. You also need to have Synchronet BBS List installed with the internal code of SBL, I don't know what it will do if someone tries to hit the BBS List key and it's not installed. If you have any problems or have comments, I can be reached either at my BBS, The Matrix, at (804) 323-6635 or through FidoNet as Kitsune@1:264/227.