yhMyers-Briggs Personality Types:nc The first letter of the personality type indicates how you are energized (hEncxtroversion or hIncntroversion). The second letter of the personality type indicates how you obtain information for your decisions (hSncensation or ihNnctuition). The third letter of the personality type measures your preference to operate from your head to your heart (hTnchinking or hFnceeling). The fourth letter of the personality type indicates how you like to order your life (hJncudging or hPncerception). An asterisk (h*nc) in any of your letter positions indicates you are equally divided between the two personality tendancies. From here you can read definitions of letter combinations (types): hEnc, hInc, hSnc, hNnc, hTnc, hFnc, hJnc, hPnc, hTJnc, hSPnc, hSJnc, hNTnc, hNFnc, hENFPnc, hENFJnc, hENTPnc, hENTJnc, hESFPnc, hESFJnc, hESTPnc, hESTJnc, hINFPnc, hINFJnc, hINTPnc, hINTJnc, hISFPnc, hISFJnc, hISTPnc, and hISTJnc.