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OS/2 on ThinkPad 750s

> > involved.  My brother is heavily involved with IBM's OS/2 marketing effort,
> > but OS/2 and I have never gotten along very well, so I'm a DOS/Windows user.
> Well, if you want to start to get to know OS/2 better, this is the place
> to do it.  I'd say about 75% of us use OS/2 on our TPs.  And one of

	I figured as much--IBM would have to be shooting themselves in
the foot to offer a non-OS/2-compat. notebook machine!

> the main reasons for that, I'd guess, is the fact that it's one of the
> few notebooks that come with OS/2 drivers and can handle OS/2 as 
> well as DOS/Win.

	That is, of course, a very good fact.
> Of course, if DOS/Win makes you happy, then by all means, stick with
> it! :)

	If the name Dave Whittle sounds at all familiar to you (Pick up the
August (?) "OS/2 Professional" Magazine), then you'll know that I have been
influenced by one of the best. <G!>

	Nevertheless, its not an issue of "learning" OS/2 as much as it is
a usage issue.  I've argued my view of the situation many times before and
frankly have no desire to do so here--I'm here for the TP support!  Suffice
to say that I believe two things:  (1) OS/2 works best with OS/2-based software
just like I'm not fond of running DOS apps under Windows.  (2) I'd switch over
to OS/2 *tomorrow* if *all* (or nearly all) of my regularly-used applications
were ported to OS/2 versions and I could have them for the price of disks and
manuals alone.  As of now, the only app. I use that has a native-OS/2 counter-
part is Ami Pro.  Meanwhile, I've been very disappointed by the speed-hit I
take when using my apps under OS/2--I therefore see no reason to run
Windows apps. under OS/2.  The story would be very different with a set
of OS/2-based applications.
> > 	My only beef?  I'm *VERY* disappointed in the battery life.  I haven't
> > yet run too many trials witht he C as I've had it for only a few days, but
> Some day, I'd like to do a battery life test and average out the results
> we get from this mailing list.  I've tried a while ago but there were
> only two other people on the list at the time.  

	I'm sure there are enough now--try it.
> I find that I average around 2 hours (give or take half an hour) but
> then again, I often use my PCMCIA modem during the majority of it
> as well as other taxing tasks such as disk intensive programs (but
> then again, when isn't OS/2 disk intensive except maybe on Robert
> Dewar's machine -- who has 20MB RAM).  I've never gotten much lower
> than 2 hours and have gotten up to 3.

	I managed 3 for the first time just last night--and that was on
completely "low" settings and most of the time it sat idle (for the purpose
of measuring time, I set it to not suspend very frequently) on a table.  That
would *never* be the case under normal use, I fear...

	But even the 2 1/2 hour times I got, it was just sitting on a table
doing nothing with the settings on "high"--just so I could measure the time
it got.  It wasn't pretty...
> > 	Thoughts?  I'd really like to resolve this--I want 3.4 hours!
> Not likely on the 750C unfortunately.  As a matter of fact, I've

	Then they (IBM) should never have claimed that number--at least 
not as a "low-end" claim.  I was under the mistaken impression that when
they say "3.4 to 8 hours" I can expect, as a bare minimum, 3.4 hours.

> never seen an active matrix that could make it that long.  My
> friend's Austin has a battery life of around 1 hour and my other
> friend's Nec Versa has about a 2 hour life on a good day.

	Sleezy marketers... 

Randy Whittle    whittle@scf.usc.edu
University of Southern California  (Dodging QUAKES in L.A.!!)
  Chocolate junkie, Motorcycle nut, HP 48 user, and of course...Computer geek

"It's not denial, I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." -Calvin