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Squeezing out memory

[I just got added to the list]

My 750C has 20MB memory and 80MB swap partition (WfWG 3.11).
I need more memory.

Well, not more memory.  More conventional memory.  After booting
without PCMCIA support, I only have 487K free.  mem /c shows me that
tpaudd takes 58K (!) mouse and dos are 17 each, smartdrv another 28,
and some misc stuff.  I don't think that's enough, but I don't know
where to load the stuff.

When I boot with card services and configure the Megahertz XJack
faxmodem and Xircom CreditCard ethernet card (which cause NDIS to
load), I only have 396K free!  At that point I can't bring up most DOS

I didn't try RAMboost.  I did try QEMM though.  It was spectacularly
unsuccessful; I ended up with 28K *less* after it ran.  

Here's some stuff from config.sys:

device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram x=b000-cfff
device=c:\qemm\qdpmi.sys swapfile=dpmi.swp swapsize=1024
shell=c:\command.com c:\ /p

device=c:\thinkpad\ibmdss01.sys /s0=2
device=c:\thinkpad\ibmdoscs.sys /w
device=c:\thinkpad\dicrmu01.sys /ma=c000-cfff


and autoexec.bat has lines like:

c:\qemm\loadhi /rf net start
megahz s2c2
c:\qemm\loadhi /rf c:\windows\smartdrv.exe 2048 128
c:\qemm\loadhi /rf c:\thinkpad\fueldos
c:\qemm\loadhi /rf c:\dos\doskey.com
c:\qemm\loadhi /rf c:\dos\mouse.com

You can assume I know pretty much zip about DOS.  My configuration of
the PCMCIA cards may be totally messed up - in fact, when the machine
boots it gives me some warning about not finding the Xircom card.

I have downloaded and am using the latest drivers and other materials
from the IBM, Megahertz and Xircom BBSs.

Any thoughts?  (DR-DOS 7 and OS/2 are not options.)  

Thanks -
