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Re: Sound/Joystick/Bag

Reguarding the joystick question: I went out and got ANOTHER Colorado
Spectrum Gameport based on the responses here. I did manage to get it to
work (make sure you have power allocated to your serial port kiddies...)
and have used it with X-Wing. It didn't work with NHL Hockey or Sphere of
Destiny. Unfortunatly it is pretty much software driven, and we need to
rely on game manufacturers for a "patch" to get it to work.

A point on the TP750 sound chip, I installed the latest version of the
audio drivers, and had two major problems:

1. Running certian programs, like Norton Change Directory with the
emulation program installed, well, as soon as I hit enter it reboots my
machine. Tech support had no answers.

2. It really messes up the speed of the sound. I was trying to use
Soundblaster emulation in X-Wing, and aside from most of the sound being
really messed up, and the speed being at a crawl, when we got to scenes of
people speaking it was like some bad Marital Arts movie. The words came
seconds after the lips moved.

So should I expect a better patch soon? One that dosen't require me to
make a special boot disk to use (I had to unload about EVERYTHING to fit
it into memory and have enough for most games)

I find myself thinking over and over, "Should I switch to OS/2?" (I have
20MB of memory, not that DOS or windows cares...)

| Darren Patrick McCabe   "Hal" | Mail:   Halinatr@gwis.circ.gwu.edu       |
| Work: Gnossos Software, Inc   | School: The George Washington University | 
|      1625 K St, NW, Suite 410 |   Graduate School of Political Management|
|      Washington, DC 20006     | PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor #57901  | 
| "I want to decide who lives and who dies" - Crow T. Robot, MST3K         |

On Mon, 28 Mar 1994, Joseph Pereira wrote:

> Subject: Re: Sound/Joystick/Bag
> >>     1) Turtle Beach is advertising a PCMCIA Audio Advantage sound card
> >>        for $99. Anyone know anything about this sound card, or any way
> >>        to give the 750c full Soundblaster compatibility with most games?
> >My guess is that it uses emulation for SB also.  As a matter of fact,
> >all the portable sound solutions I know of use emulation so far.  It's
> >up to Creative Labs to release a true SoundBlaster PCMCIA card...
> I think you're right.....
> >>     2) Is there an adapter for the 750c, that would allow you to plug in
> >>        a regular Joystick?
> >I know a lot of people have been looking for this, but we've had
> >no luck so far.  I can post to CS to see if they've had any luck.
> Thanks, that would be nice of you. I can't be absolutely sure but I saw
> an ad for a cable that plugs into the serial port, and it allows you to
> plug the joystick into the other end. Unfortunately I can't find the ad!
> Take care Sean,
> Joseph