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MHz is Sliiick!

Just want everyone to know that I've just picked up a Megahertz 14400 w/

WOW!  What a nice modem!  I can cover the PCMCIA slots with the card in, no
funky adapters!
Let's see... What did I have to do to get it to work?

PLUG IT IN!   What a breeze!

Ok, seriously, there was more...  I installed the EasyPlay stuff from IBM for
OS/2 and DOS.  

Under DOS, it was instant GO.  COM 2, 14400 v42bis.  Done.

Under OS/2.  I had to stop using my SIO/VSIO setup.  For some reason, I could
only get COM 1 active, which is the external port.  Soooo, I just used the
updated COM.SYS from IBM and Guess What.  Done.

I can't wait to put this card under some true multitasking strain with OS/2!

Any ideas how to get to use SIO/VSIO?  Does it matter?  What am I losing,
since I don't think there is a true 16550 in the card?

As it stands, I can't recommend this card enough.  Of course it benifits
strongly from IBM's impressive EasyPlay software.  Way to go IBM and

Robert Castles