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SCSI in ThinkPad Dock I

>From postmaster@materna.Materna.DE Mon Apr 11 20:55:47 1994
Received: by osix.Materna.DE;
	Mon, 11 Apr 94 20:55:46 +0200
Message-Id: <199404111852.OAA09108@wilma.cs.utk.edu>
From: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>
To: Klaus Eckhoff <ke@materna.de>
Cc: TP750@cs.utk.edu, moore@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Linux (and hello)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 11 Apr 1994 14:42:16 +0200." <9404111242.AA20244@osix.Materna.DE>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 14:52:30 -0400
Sender: moore@cs.utk.edu
Status: R

> Did you ever get the docking station SCSI working?  I'm wondering
> if that controller emulates something well-known or is specific to
> IBM.  I've tried several times without success to get documentation
> for it.

Yes, I tried it this morning with success (I tried only SCO ODT).

First you have to attach a SCSI device to activate the controller
in the docking station. Then I tried to run the SCSI diagnostic comming
with the docking station. It identifies the adaptor type as 
"Future Domain TMC 850/860/875/885".  Next step was to configure this type of
adaptor under SCO (this is one of the supported devices) and it worked 
from scratch. I was able to mount a CD-ROM under UNIX and to read from it.

Now I'm waiting for the internal SCSI kit to try to install a SCSI hard disk
within the docking station.... I'll keep you informed when it arrives some
Klaus Eckhoff, Dr. Materna GmbH, D-44141 Dortmund, Germany, ke@Materna.DE