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Re: SCSI in ThinkPad Dock I

> I would like to add a CD as well as a SCSI disk to my
> ThinkPad.  Only one device will fit within the docking
> station (officially).  The questions I have are:
>    - has anybody tried attaching a non-IBM CD-rom drive
>      either internally or externally?
>      My inclination is to get an external NEC 3xe triple
>      speed drive (which costs roughly the same as the
>      $600 IBM double speed one for the ThinkPad).
I connected an external SONY CD-Rom yesterday, no problems with SCO UNIX. 
It should'nt be a hardware problem to connect SCSI devices from
various other vendors. But you should check if your software will 
support the connected device.

> Can you please tell us the part number for all that we need for
> the Dock I's SCSI adapter? That's been a question here for a while
> it seems....
All I need so far for external SCSI devices is the right cabel.
But this was the hard part to get. The one I have is part number 32G4143.
It has one 60 pin connector (docking station) and a 50 pin centronics
(the big one looking like an old parallel printer port) on the other side 
to connect to your SCSI device.

The part number for the internal SCSI cable (and compartment?) is 66G3513.
That's the one I'm waiting for now. When it arrives I will try to 
install a 512 MB SCSI disk within the docking station and to use it 
with UNIX.

> And please do keep us informed! ;)
OK, I will do.
Klaus Eckhoff, Dr. Materna GmbH, D-44141 Dortmund, Germany, ke@Materna.DE