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Please bear with me....

Those of you attempting to send email to stunnels@uiuc.edu in recent hours
have no doubt noticed a slight problem.  Apparently another student has
added stunnels to his ph nickname field, the result being that ph will no
longer deliver any mail delivered to the stunnels address.  I have sent
him a letter (sternly) requesting that he change or delete that entry from
his ph field.  Until this problem gets taken care of, the address


will be serving the purpose of the stunnels email list.  Until further
notice, please send all stunnels main list email to that address instead.
The addresses stunnels-request@uiuc.edu and stmeeting@uiuc.edu are still
in effect.

Speaking of which, we're still on for this Saturday evening at SIX pm
(not 1pm, unless some of you want to arrange it on your own...) at the
Garcia's on Wright street.  I'll try to arrange for some tables in the
basement, but no guarantees.  We can decide when we get there whether we
want to go dutch or pool our $$$ for a big order.  And of course anyone
is still welcome who just wants to come to shoot the breeze.  Hope to see
you there!
Andrew Trapp				dreamer@uiuc.edu

I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I've got hundreds of people
waiting to abuse me.  --Bill Murray, "Ghostbusters"