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Re: PCMCIA modem recomen

Subject: Re:  PCMCIA modem recomendatio

> I was all psyched up for my purchase of a AT&T KIT modem. I was told by
> several people at First Source and ComputAbility, that the KIT modem
> could be upgraded to V-Fast with Firmware. After reading the same from
> ...
> I ended up buying it from ComputAbility, since there was nothing wrong
> with the AT&T modem, they gave me a hard time on the return...i was just
>                                        ^^^^^^^^^

>Since *incorrect* information from Computability (about upgradeability)
>contributed to your original purchase, I'd have thought that could have been
>your justification for returning the AT&T, despite the fact that
>it was not broken.  So I think it's odd they gave you a hard time...

First thing is, they denied ever giving out that info! Second, I was
shuffled around like a *hot potato* when I mentioned a return#. I even
lost the connection one time. Several other times, after going through
the answering service and being transferred to customer service, all I
got was the opportunity to leave a message. Finally I BLEW UP and
demanded to speak with someone who actually was *alive*!

I would have gone elsewhere if it wasn't for the price, and the very
apologetic girl that I finally got through to!
