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Re: CD-ROM drives for TP750C and OS/2

EPP works under OS/2 though I have not tried it on a TP750C.

>> If you know of a PCMCIA to SCSI option for OS/2 please speek up.  I have 
>> been looking for such an animal and keep hitting brick walls.
>> 					     Stephen Hosmer
>>                                              shosmer@netcom.com
>	Ummm....Duhhhh...(I forgot the problem was getting it to work
>with OS/2!!!)
>	I'll try not to rip on you OS/2 types, but sometimes I can't help
>	THIS is what you get for being on the "cutting edge" as it were.
>Namely, little or no driver support.  If its as crippling as it appears,
>I don't understand why people stay so loyal to OS/2.
>	I've tried it in 3 different incarnations (versions 1.3, 2.0, 2.1)
>and every time gave up on it for precisely the same reason you can't find
>a PCMCIA to SCSI or parallel to SCSI solution--no driver support.
>	All that fancy multitasking doesn't do a lot of good when one
>can't even get drivers to run their devices...
>		...okay, I'll shut up now.  :)

Good move!  You don't seem to know.