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Mathematica on 750C


I am having major problems installing Mathematica on my 750C with DOS
6.3 and Windows 3.1.  I was wondering if anybody else has installed
this software.

Part of the install is the installation of the Win32s 32-bit Windows
package.  When it finishes the install of Win32s, I get the error:
"Application Error: DSHELL caused a General Protection Fault in module
INIUPD.DLL at 0001:0E91."  Then, I get a bunch of SHARE vilations.

When I subsequently try to start Mathematica, I get an error that
Win32s is not installed properly.

Any suggestions??  I did try reinstalling with a barebones system,
i.e. no power software, PCMCIA, antivirus, etc.  No luck.
