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Re: Mathematica on 750C

>Part of the install is the installation of the Win32s 32-bit Windows
>package.  When it finishes the install of Win32s, I get the error:
>"Application Error: DSHELL caused a General Protection Fault in module
>INIUPD.DLL at 0001:0E91."  Then, I get a bunch of SHARE vilations.

ThinkPads don't get along with the MicroSoft's Win32s setup program for some
strange reason.  But the setup.inf file should give you enough information
to manually expand the files (using DOS's 'expand' utility) that weren't
installed before the GPF, place them in the appropriate directories, and
insert references to them in system.ini.  Sorry I can't give more detailed
info but it's a while since I did this.  Good luck.


Tim Vetter           73 Warren Road, Kitchener, Ontario N2M4T6 CANADA
vetter@hookup.net         voice 519-579-9904     fax 519-571-9520