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Drive upgrade on Thinkpads

I went ahead and purchased a 540 megabyte IBM OEM drive from Micro
Machines for $695, and replaced my 360Cs' 170 megabyte drive. No problems in
the installation (the form factors are identical) and the device appears
to work just fine. The only oddity so far is that 32 bit disk access no
longer works in Windows for Workgroups -- the WDCTL device driver complains
about a phase error at 07,1F when starting up. Anybody have any hints
on that one? Turning off 32 bit access permits WfW to start up normally.

As previously posted on the list:

Micro Machines
2120 Howell Ave, Suite 404-405
Anaheim, CA
(714) 978-2220

Here are some drive specs:

    P/N  84G2983
    MLC  D43825
    540 megabytes: 1047 cyl, 16 heads, 63 sec/track, 12 msec avg. sec.

Of course, I now have a 2.5" 170 megabyte drive without a case :-(
Has anybody been successful in prying one of the bare cases out of IBM yet? 
I note that there are three part numbers on my removable drive case sticker:

FRU P/N  66G5066
ASM P/N  66G2652

Maybe one of these corresponds to just the plastic case (and cable?)

Tim Tyhurst                  tim@excelsior.com