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Re: Disks for 75x's

I also called and got the same info. The availability of 540 is
next week, for the 810 is about 2 weeks. 

Is there any way we can organize a group purchase ? 

BTW they DO NOT sell the case and connector only due to the high
demand for the drives fully configured. 

Ah Well I think my wallet will be 1500 dollars lighter fairly soon.

Martin P. Smith msmith@netcom.COM

On Fri, 14 Oct 1994, Bradford Glade wrote:

> I gave Sigma Data a call and asked about pricing for the drives that
> Robert told us about.  Here's Robert's info with the pricing added.
> ------
> Capacity   IBM Part Number   Sigma Data Part Number          Price     
>                                                       (1-4 units) (5+ units)
> 340M          66G2849             QED/TP750-340        $ 895         $ 795 
> 540M          84G2150             QED/TP750-540         1195           995
> 810M          84G8250             QED/TP750-810         1495          1395
> -Brad.
> -----
> Bradford B. Glade             |  glade@cs.cornell.edu    
> Dept. of Computer Science     |  Tel. (607) 255-1144 (Office)
> 314 Upson Hall Cornell Univ.  |  FAX  (607) 255-4428 (CS Dept.)
> Ithaca, NY 14853              |  