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Re: TP purchase advice

On Thu, 13 Oct 1994 9:15:40 -0400 (EDT) "STEVE GODFREY, (613) 788-4386" 
<GODFREY@physics.carleton.ca> wrote:
> I have a TP 755Cs with a 340 HD and 12 megs of ram.  I am pretty pleased
> with the dual scan.  I couldn't justify the extra money for an active 
> although I would have liked it.  I decided I needed a DX because of the
> coprocessor for numeric work so I would'nt consider a machine without it.

I'll second that, I have the same configuration, and I'm quite satisfied.

Jesse Montrose       jesse@netcom.com jesse@xaostools.com cis:76646,3302
                     I don't recycle, I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume.