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Re: WIN95: telnet client and comm package?

>Okay, anyone find a good telnet client and comm package on a thinkpad, in
>For telnet, I'm using trumpet telnet, but it's pretty primitive (doesn't
>feed all characters through! (no ', (, etc)).  I tried qvt, but it turns on
>the numlock evertime I switch to the screen :)

i don't actively use qvt anymore (use SuperTCP from Frontier), but
it used to be that you could add the following line to your qvtnet.ini file:


this tells (told?) qvt not to mess around with numlock & thus makes it 
very useable on the thinkpad keyboard.


Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computuer-Aided Engineering Center        FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison