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RE: I am also interested in PCMCIA 2.0 soundblaster card

In message Fri, 20 Jan 95 09:15:16 -0500, <dmoore@dill.lcs.mit.edu>  writes:

> I too am interested in a Soundblaster-compatible card for the PCMCIA 2.0
> slot. Kevin - if you get any replies directly, could you post the
> information to the tp750 mailing list?

Try comp.sys.laptops.  There was a discussion there a couple months ago.
Turns out one of the sound cards for games is SB compatible (i.e. works
with Doom) and actually sounds pretty nice (16bit, stereo, midi, etc.).
I don't remember the name.  Be sure to report back to us if you find out.
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| | John H. Kim  "God knows what she could've gotten my mother to say." |
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