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Memory extension Card Prices.

I have a TP360CSE for a few weeks. I plan to add memory because I will
use my TP for Linux. So I called several computer shops here in France.
As compared with the equivalent memory extensions for desktop computers,
laptop ones are quite twice the price.

I am looking for a 8MB or 16Mb extension. A 12 Mb may have been enough
but It is not available on this laptop !
I have been proposed IBM IC DRAM clones from Taiwan. They have 
interesting prices, about half the price of the IBM equivalents.

I was wondering, if somebody already ordered some of these. What about
the quality of the product ? What kind of warranty ? Is Compatibnility
100% assumed ? What about dependability ?

I managed to find 8MB clone for about 2900FFrs (VAT included), the
16Mb ones is at 6200FFR (VAT included). IBM equivalents rate at 4400FFR
and 11000FFR respectively !!!!


PS: $1 = 6FFR !!

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
 LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
 Th'eorique et Programmation		|
 2 place Jussieu			|
 75251 Paris cedex 05			|