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Re: carrying cases

On Fri, 3 Feb 1995, Mark Tran wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have that IBM thinkpad briefcase for $199?  If so, could you 
> please e-mail your comments on it.  I basically want it to be just big 
> enough for my thinkpad and a few miscellaneous things (in other words, I 
> want it to be pretty small).  Thanks in advance for all help.
> P.S. - if there's something similar to the above case from another maker 
> at a lower price, please give me info on that also!


In a recent reply to the list regarding cases I indicated that I was 
using a case made by TARGUS. My small case fits my TP plus a few 
accesories. Sounds like what you are looking for! Retails here at $65 CDN 
and can be found at nearly every stationery store or software store. The 
case is strong and well made.

Tim Kary

Tim Kary           twkary@nucleus.com    |"Imagination is more
403-262-7021       cellular: 870-1386    | important than knowledge."
403-262-1392 - FAX                       | - Albert Einstein