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LINUX: Xconfig with external monitor (X11R5 on 750Cs)


I have linux happily running on my machine (v1.1.90) and until now,
I was using my internal display, but i just got a hold of my roomates'
monitor (he has one of those old and crummy amigas :) and i now
need to make it work at a higher resolution than 640x480...

I have a copy of the Xconfig for the 755CE but it is for X11R6 and I 
have had no success making it work (by changing clock speeds in my Xconfig
to the ones in the X11R6 file)... can someone out there (or in there) send
me a copy of their Xconfig for R5? I don't really know what i'm missing...

BTW: on the durability of trackpoints... I was using mine under linux with 
netscape 1.0 and managed to somehow kill the g-spot... i had to take it
in to the shop, it took a week and they charged me 10 bucks for S/H of the
keyboard from IBM...(and i thought it was free :(  Anyway, is it possible
to kill the trackpoint via software (probably not...) or was it my skilled 
employment of the joy nub?



Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  ajm1@mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology
"That Person you see in the Mirror is made up of D-Amino Acids" --C.P.