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RE: CMS hard drives

In message Wed, 22 Mar 95 09:57:00 PST,
  Phillips Ted <phillipst@bah.com>  writes:

> First of all -- there is NO PLASTIC CASE for the drive itself.  They just
> took some sheet metal, bent it into a 3-sided bracket-thing, spray
> painted  it robins-egg blue, and bolted the HD inside.  It covers only

Speaking of which, I've gotten a report that a company called MicroAge also
makes an enclosure for the hard drive.  I haven't had time to find their
phone number and ask for details.
|\ ______________________________________________________________________\
| |                                                                       |
| | John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like    |
| | jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole  |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes." |