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First Steps: Loading Linux

I'm sure I have a very basic problem here.  I have the Yggdrasil Plug-and-Play
Linux CDROM and boot floppy.  I suspect some might say that's my problem!

When I try to boot my 755CE from that boot floppy, I get the first two
letters of the expected "LILO", and then it hangs.  If I try to "runlinux"
from the CDROM (Raven CD-Note PCMCIA-SCSI interface), I get a DOS message
saying that I am trying  to perform a "privileged" operation.  The
"runlinux" command just tries to load linux boot code above the DOS driver
memory so that it can use them.

Is there a change I should be making to my configuration to allow such a
"privileged" operation?  I am using the standard config.sys etc., except
that I have installed the CDROM and an ethernet network card driver.

Any ideas why the boot floppy hangs the machine?  To make certain my
bootfloppy was current, I remade it, but got the same result.

An old UNIX geek who doesn't know the first thing about DOS and Windows...
Eugene Fiume.