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Windows '95

This isn't very tp related, but it may interest those to users who use
Win '95. I've make no claim as to the accuracy of the reports, I'm just
passing on other people's comments. 

#include <any_other_disclaimers.h>

Robb Masters        | Systems & Software Engineer
BT D&P SSI BSEC CEC | CEC home page (BT only) - http://www.lssec.bt.co.uk:8080/

In article 802247272snz@swarb.demon.co.uk, David Swarbrick <david@swarb.demon.co.uk> writes:
>The following message has appeared in RISKS
>Newsgroups: comp.risks                                                         
>From: cnorloff@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil                                            
>Date: Wed, 17 May 95 13:44:40 EDT                                              
>Microsoft officials confirm that beta versions of Windows 95 include a         
>small viral routine called Registration Wizard.  It interrogates every         
>system on a network gathering intelligence on what software is being run       
>on which machine.  It then creates a complete listing of both Microsoft's      
>and competitors' products by machine, which it reports to Microsoft when       
>customers sign up for Microsoft's Network Services, due for launch later       
>this year.                                                                     
>"In Short" column, page 88, _Information Week_ magazine, May 22, 1995          
>The implications of this action, and the attitude of Microsoft to plan         
>such action, beggars the imagination.                                          
>Chris Norloff  cnorloff@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil                                   
>- -----                                                                          
>An update on this. A friend of mine got hold of a copy of the beta test CD     
>of Win95, and set up a packet sniffer between his serial port and the          
>modem. When you try out the free demo time on The Microsoft Network, it        
>transmits your entire directory structure in background.                       
>This means that they have a list of every directory (and, potentially every    
>file) on your machine. It would not be difficult to have something like a      
>FileRequest from your system to theirs, without you knowing about it. This     
>way they could get ahold of any juicy routines you've written yourself and     
>claim them as their own if you don't have them copyrighted.                    
>Needless to say, I'm rather annoyed about this.                                
>So spread the word as far and wide as possible: Steer clear of Windows 95.     
>There's nothing to say that this "feature" will be removed in the final        
>My understanding is that Microsoft have commented admitting this, but I 
>have not seen it directly admitted.
>I feel this is an appalling vanity on Micrsoft's part.  They seem to
>just treat customers with utter contempt.
>For a lawyer, how can I ever trust Microsoft enough to use their
>software.  They made no announcement of this. I understand they 
>say that they 'always intended' to make this transparent and 
>optional, just hadn't got around to it.
>What else have Microsoft 'just not got around to?
>With MSDOS5 (?) they issued - and continued for some considerable 
>time to issue - a version of Chkdsk which in certain circumstances 
>would trash a hard disk.  Is this a one company attempt to fully
>test out the Computer Misuse Act?
>David Swarbrick                   |
>Swarbrick & Co, Solicitors        | Just Mooting UK Law On Line (Free access)
>22 Bradford Road Brighouse HD6 1RW| UK 01484 401139 (24 hrs speeds to 14.4k)
>Telephone [01484] 722531          | david@swarb.demon.co.uk
>    A cheerful coincidence of Law, Computers, and Common Sense

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