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New member


I'm a new member on the tp750 list.  I am a consultant based in San Francisco,
and my specialty is communication technology.  

The "welcome to the list" message sez:
>Tell us what kind of machine you have, how it's configured (how much
>memory/disk, what accessories, etc.), and what operating system(s)...

I've finally bought my dream machine: a ThinkPad 755CD with 40MB RAM, 810MB
disk, Dock II (just arrived), and Pentium upgrade (still backordered).  I've
been running Microsoft Windows, primarily.  

Although I used to be an OS/2 enthusiast when 2.0 and 2.1 were current, and
even though 3.0 is a great improvement over 2.x, most of my apps are not
available under OS/2, and OS/2's Windows compatibility is not sufficient for
my needs.  I'll probably take OS/2 off the disk as soon as I get around to
building the installation disks, just in case I want it back later.

Meanwhile, I've just installed Microsoft's Windows 95 "final beta" release and
I've been pretty pleased with it so far.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to find
mWave DSP drivers for Windows 95.  IBM tech support will neither confirm nor
deny IBM's plans in this area.  Anyone here have any pointers that could help
me to use the mWave audio and/or telephony features under Windows 95?

In general, how solidly does IBM stand behind development for the mWave DSP?
For example, the 28.8Kbps V.34 modem standard has been on the market for quite
a while now, and as far as I can tell IBM has not uttered a sound regarding
their plans to implement V.34 for the mWave.  Does anyone know of a good
source of mWave news?

That's all for now.  I love my new ThinkPad and am looking forward to hearing
from you all.

Be seeing you...