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Re: does anyone have list price of 1.2 gig drive handy?

On Mon, 19 Jun 95 22:00:42 -0400 you wrote:

>"It seems IBM's inept management still remains in control of one area
>at IBM -- pricing."
>this to me is an idiotic comment. A 1.2 gigabyte 2.5" disk is a pretty
>amazing gizmo, I find it perfectly reasonable to be paying $150/meg for
>something at this cutting edge of technology.

It still irks me that if you take a bare IBM OEM drive and compare
the price to a Thinkpad "removable" hard drive, you're paying several
hundred dollars for a plastic case and funky connector.  I mean if
they're selling it for $750 in quantity, but their price to us is $1750,
that's well over a 100% profit margin, probably closer to 150%.

Sorry if I got on anyone's nerves.  I'm having a chronic money problem
and I *need* to get some form of X-Windows running under OS/2, which
IBM wants $140 for.  My other option is to get Linux running, except my
current drive doesn't have enough space.  My old 170MB drive would do
just fine, except IBM won't sell me a replacement case for it...
Arrrgh... Sometimes it makes me think I should just dump OS/2...  :-)
|\ ______________________________________________________________________\
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| | John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like    |
| | jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole  |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes." |