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I am attaching a message from Todd Tannenbaum which may help with your
Windows 95 Mwave problem.
>in my experience, builds of win95 above #480 work great on the thinkpad 755
>(including MWave sound, telephony, modem, everything).
>***NOTE***: if your machine has 16 meg of RAM or less, your fine. IF YOUR
>MACHINE HAS MORE THAN 16 meg of RAM (I think you mentioned yours has
>24meg?), then in order for the MWave audio stuff to work properly under
>win95 (any build) you MUST be running the latest version of the MWave
>stuff/drivers *AND* then you MUST install a special patch for >16meg RAM
>folks. (if you do not install the patch, some audio functions like MIDI are
>inaudible even at max volume). Both the latest drivers and the special
>patch are available from the Thinkpad compuserve forum, or from the internet
>at the following WWW URL: http://watson.mbb.sfu.ca/
>again, these bugs do not show up if you have 16meg RAM or less.
>Todd Tannenbaum email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
>Director of the Model Advanced Facility voice phone: (608) 262-3118
>Computer-Aided Engineering Center FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
>University of Wisconsin-Madison