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Re: Olga die die die

On Mon, 24 Jul 1995, Victor Kress wrote:

> I heartily agree that there is no point in wasting time bitching if we
> don't have a way of singling out the responsible person.  If some smart
> person can get this guy's address, great.  If not, we just have to live
> with it...unless...
> I don't know if this is possible, but if it is somebody on this list will
> know how.  It seems like it should be possible to filter out all
> submissions to the tp list from people who are not already on the tp list.
> This would cut out Olga, and also eliminate the occasional misplaced
> subscription request message (unfortunately, it would not affect the
> unsubscribe messages).  Can this be done without placing undue hardship on
> the list maintainer?

	Can procmail be used to do this w/o compromising the performance 
of the list too badly?  Or is procmail the right tool for the job?  Or 
maybe the answer is to modify the program running the list.
