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Re: Problems with Mwave 2.0

the fact that these are well-accepted terms in modem standards jargon
does not make it an acceptable usage. Whoever coined this term did
not really know what the workd means.

The point is that general use of this term is confusing.

As for stack in the OED, I would use meaning 1.f from OED 2

In a computer or a calculator, a set of registers or storage locations
which store data in such a way that the most recently stored item is
the first to be retrieved; also, a list of items so stored, a push-down

First citation: 1960 E. W. Dijkstra in Numericshe Math II.312

Don't be so quick to assume things about the OED! :-)

For tree, the definition you want is 6b

Any structure or figure, natural or artificial, of branched form.

In the citations for 6b usage, we find:

1978 Nature 24 Aug 745/1. The amount of work involved in searching a tree
of moves is B[superscript]D, where B (the branching factor) is the average 
number of alternatives throughout the tree, and D is the depth of search.

Furthermore, in both the tree and stack case, you can find old traditional
meanings which are a good match conceptually for the modern CS usages.

This is NOT true of homologize!

Anyway, to my mind, any jargon not in OED-2 is VERY suspect (OED-2 is
more "with it" than you think, look up for examples, the perfect definitions
of bug and kludge in the computery sense).